Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Back up and running: Zevon and Stones covers

Relieved to see that this dumb Blogger deal was still up and running after so many months and years of disuse on my part....  Long and short is the the corona has coincided with an already scheduled work slowdown on my part, so at last there may be an opportunity to take care of business that's been neglected far too long.

As a start here's a pair of covers that Roady and I quickly blasted out in the (then newly re-done and subsequently largely abandoned until recently) basement rock zone in 2015.  For those of you doing the math, that's five goddarned years ago.  Nuthin' fancy.


Mohammed's Radio (Warren Zevon cover)

Torn and Frayed (Rolling Stones cover):

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I decided to “clean up” my phone and clicked on my link to this blog for the first time in a couple of years. Good to see the new posts.
    Cheers from San Antonio,
