Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Goddarned Christmas 2014 from the RKBS family!

Hey all-- First off, a reminder that the SoundCloud option for originals is here: 


Second off, your ol' Cousin Roswell and Uncle Butteford are wishing a Happy Goddarned Christmas to all a you!!  Make it as atheistic, Judaic or BabyJesus-soaked as you want, we figure.... We like to treat it (literally as well as figuratively) as a build-your-own-holiday bar!

As to the tunes, though the Great Island Basement Workshop at the Harpswell Estate was off-line for a long, long, long while before, during and after the fancification project down there, the first delicate green sprouts of music have been followed by a burst of rockin' out.  It also turns out that a couple formations of elves have been busy down in Baltimore working on some projects (more on that later), but the lil' devils also have managed to get some output out of Home Base.

This post consists of a couple tracks I wrote last year, and only managed to get last-minute acoustic versions posted.  This year, the electric versions were equally rushed, but ended up closer to the intended target.  I was down in Charm City a few weeks back, at which point we got Roady's drums recorded.  I downloaded the e-tracks from him this past Saturday and then spent a good part of Sunday down in the cellar hammering  out the details. 

"Time for Christmas" remains sweet, wistful and chimey as ever.  The Rickenbacker 12 string on the right does the heavy lifting, and that's the Gretsch over on the left and the Gibson J45 acoustic straight up the middle.

"Old Fashioned Christmas" is the next in my short line of boozy holiday songs, "old fashioned" in this case not being an adjective but a noun.  The music-hall intro is old-timey, sure, but the rest is a roof-raiser and reminds me of our old Dillo/ Pourbillies days down Baltimore way, even it I don't know that my old self would've come up with as good a middle eight (1:47) as this ended up with.  For completeness' sake, that's still the Gibson acoustic, with a Les Paul on the right and a Telecaster to the left.  The P-bass on both songs, btw.  (Turns out I do have one lyrical bit to dive back in and settle-- a bit about "Who needs a bar when they've got a jar and they're adding whatever you bring"-- and will get to that sooner or later...)

Merry/ Happy!

jhk for Your RK/BS Industries

"Time for Christmas":    https://app.box.com/s/ttjzioccw17zqd74wh4r

"Old Fashioned Christmas":   https://app.box.com/s/qq0rg9wa2g5pxwawqwkp