Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Roadkill/ Buttsteak 6: "Hazy Angels" b/w "The Light Went Down"

Hey friends- I admit that I've been busy of late, but have indeed been keeping a wary eye on the days flying by between posts. And here we are on the downward slope of summer already! A shame, as there's no shortage of goods to share-- Aside from the stuff already queued up, I was aiming for a brief Levon Helm tribute, and then we went and had a great Buttsteak band get-together over the weekend down in Maplewood, NJ, and so probably should wrangle you some posts related to that... Such is life...

Well the good news at least is that we're back to good ol' Roadkill/ Buttsteak on the namesake site!

"Hazy Angels" started as a simple "krautrock" riff on the Wurlitzer, plunked away when I was still spending the week out in Grafton. The song came together much later, and RK and I recorded the backing track last November up in Harpswell, relishing the chance to stretch out a bit and to play a bit with dynamics and atmospherics-- something my default pop rock/ rootsy thing generally steers us away from. The lyrics basically applied themselves, with heavy inspiration from blurry urban weekends and especially from Wim Wender's masterpiece "Wings of Desire", which I'd seen just once, back in my mid-90's art-cinema heyday.

More fever-dreamy in comparison, "The Light Went Down" is actually a proper B-side of our angular pop song "Generator" (which deserves a proper re-post of its own, I suppose). Both of those songs commenced in spring '10 or so, on the heels of one of our biennial 2-3 day Harpswell blackouts. "Generator" is an upbeat ode to making it through, while this one is a bleak stare down the barrel. I'll gladly drop a nickel into Richard Buckner's tip jar for this one, I suppose.


Link, stream or download:

Hazy Angels:

The Light Went Down: