Friday, May 25, 2012

Woodpile: "Manor Park" b/w "Annabelle"

Hey all--

We're back to business after a little radio silence to allow for work, travel, Hootenanny-ing, recording, typing up loose ends and generally taking stock of things.  Tons of stuff in the hopper from all corners--- Roadkill-Buttsteak, The Man Known Only as Beez, Stackpole, Hoot '12 (Bonanos, Cardillo, Evitts) and Your Man in the Basement.

Winding up the first "Woodpile" (there's already a second batch mostly finished) are a couple of old hits from the Charm City days, both dating to '97- '98 or so.  Both had received the full-on Pourbillies treatment, and were shelved by the time the Honcho band rolled around, as we were trying to eschew at least some of the roots-rock and clear the decks for some more pop/ punk stuff.  Dusted off here, "Manor Park" gets a tremolo guitar and "Annabelle" finally gets the accordion it was intended to have all along. 

While you listen, pour some out for my old Monterey (i.e. Sears) mandolin that I bought used back in '95 from the Folk Shop on N. Campbell Ave in Tucson, as these recordings are the last it made.  It was a tarnished, buzzy particle-board contraption but it treated me until its (timely, to be frank) end, in the Great Lexington Blaze of December '11.  These "Woodpile" recordings were basically excuses for me to learn how to play/ record the upright bass, but it's nice to have a chance to pull out all the "old-timey" gear and spend some time....

I'm using a new pair of speakers for mixing, so let me know if these sound weird and/ or crappy.  Otherwise, here's to a fine, long holiday weekend for you and yers.


Manor Park:
